We heard of a drone flying over Macclesfield town centre yesterday. Apparently it flew across several busy streets and then passed over the Manchester-London railway tracks. Highly dangerous, highly illegal. And bad for our business.
We have a van for our drones
We have a van for our drone. Great to keep all our gear in, check the footage, charge the batteries, keep shelter between the rain…
Airports and drones
A drone...in an…airport? A preposterous proposition to most. But, if done properly, drone aerial photography and filming undertaken by an approved pilot can be a cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and safe tool.
CGI: Drones Helping to Bring Property Designs to Life
Compulsory UK Drone Registration Arrives This Weekend
Lunar Aerial’s enhanced CAA permission - our drones are getting up close and personal
Lunar Aerial Imaging is set to capture footage and stills even closer to people, buildings and vehicles having been awarded the OSC licence by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). This non-standard permission has so far been granted to only a small number of professional drone companies and licensees have to prove to the CAA that they have the skills and experience to fly safely in difficult environments.
Thinking of taking a drone abroad... make sure you don't get locked up!
Thinking of taking your drone abroad… make sure you don’t get locked up and take a look at this checklist!
THE INSPIRE 2 AND THE ZENMUSE X7 CAMERA: better and better for our customers.
Like all professional aerial film makers Lunar Aerial Imaging got excited about the upgraded drone DJI Inspire 2 with the all new X7 Camera. It is designed for professional high-end filmmaking with hi resolution, exceptional low light performance and enhanced flight performance. It has quickly been picked up for cinema and television productions. It made sense to invest.
Lunar now listed by First Option
We’re excited to be able to announce that we’ve been accepted onto First Option pre-vetted Contractors list.
First Option is the leading provider of health & safety advice, training & equipment to the Broadcast, TV, Film, and News industry across the UK and abroad. Inclusion in their supplier list is essential for contractors wishing to work with the leading film and video makers in the UK.
We hope this listing brings reassurance to all our clients across all industries that we at Lunar Aerial Imaging have a strong commitment to health and safety as well as delivering compelling imagery to our clients.